
Angelfields R Litter

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R Litter
Ph Gr Ch SkyGlory Magic x Angelfields Magnolia
Expected Breeding Date:  August 23, 2004
Expected Whelp Date:  October 23, 2004
Blacks & Yellows
Linebreeding: Boradors Vanity Fair 3-4, Boradors the Goblin 4-4
Inbreeding Coefficient 5.58% out of 444 ancestors
Extending the pedigree of this combination as far back has legendary Ch Sandylands Mark appearing over 50 times.  The vanity line breeding is an attempt to once again come back to the proven recipe of linebreeding on Sandylands Mark.  The goblin linebreeding puts together the Sandylands Tan & Shadow tribe combination.  Gwen was always successful putting Tan & Mark together.  This is a very important breeding for us at Angelfields as it will reveal many questions about our future breeding programs.
The phenotype structures of both these dogs complement each other.  Magic also brings in a line (Dickendall Arnold) into my angelfields for the first time. 

Ph Gr Ch Skyglory Magic

Angelfields Magnolia at 1 year (updated picture soon to come)

Angelfields Magnolia, molly as we call her is a gentle and laid back girl.  Always observant & calculated in her surroundings.  She is a scopy bitch of medium size with good balance & proportions.  A strong topline with lovely head proportions & correct ear placement.  She takes after her mother who has very good spring of rib.  Good front & excellent rear angulation.  She stands a bit wide on the front.  Her rear stance is solid on the ground.  A strong drive with a beautiful coat that softens her angles.
Molly has not been actively campaigned but we have no doubt that she has the potential to finish & we look forward to campaigning her after she whelps. 
We bred molly to magic.  This mating will produce pups that are linebred to our foundation bitch, boradors vanity fair (3-4) & boradors the goblin (4-4).  An ancestral study of vanity's linebreeding takes it back to Sandylands Charlston (6-3)who is a son of Sandylands Charlie Boy. Goblin's pedigree has a lot of linebreeding to Lockerbie Brian Boru.  Brian Boru is line bred to Sandylands tweed of blaircourt (3-3). Tweed had the most influence on the show labrador scene for twenty years from the early 1960's.
Whilst magic may not be a very striking dog at first glance, he has proven to produce better than himself.  In a provincial show early this year, i saw a beautiful black dog who won best of breed back to back under our local judges Dinky Santos & Simon Sim at our LRCI specialty show.  He was sired by Magic.  He had excellent balance & proportions with a beautiful outline. 
Molly has all the qualities that will bring out the best in magic and we are very excited about this breeding.

Ph Ch Angelfields My Girl or maggie as we call her is a good sized bitch of well balanced proportions with a stunning outline.  A yellow bitch that oozes with type.  Very Good front and rear angulation with well developed chest.  Like her mother, excellent spring of rib.  A lovely head with a very pretty expression that we would like to breed for.  A little bit loose comming on the elbows.  She has an effortless ground covering gait that makes it a joy to watch her move in the ring.  Would like to see a more developed second thigh muscle.
Friendly & biddable, tucker has the temperament every breeder loves to have in the home.  A large dog of very good type with a well developed chest.  Moderate angulation in the front and rear.  Good topline finishing with a nice level croup onto a nice tail assembly.  He is a bit long on the loin.  Excellent bone to the toe. Nice double coat.

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