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Am Ch Boradors Vanity Fair

Vanity is linebred to the following dogs:
(cut-off 7th degree)
Inbreeding Coefficient is 5.7% out of 117 ancestors in our database
Sandylands Charlston 6-3
Eng Ch Sandylands Mark 7,5,5-5
Eng Ch Sandylands Dancer 7,5-4
Sandylands Charlie Boy 6,7,6-4
Trewinnard Sandylands Tanita 6-5,5
Sh Ch Sandylands Garry 7-5
Ch Sandylands Tweed of Blaircourt 7,7,7,7,7,7-7,7,7,7

Vanity at the front lawn of Boradors

Vanity as we called her was the happiest dog you could every meet.  She never barked.  The moment you put out a tennis ball she knew it was time for fetch.  Yes, she would fetch anything. She was a real flying machine, able to jump and suspend herself with her four feet in the air.
We are very grateful to Sally Bell of Boradors for sharing Vanity with us.  In our database file we have on record 117 of her ancestors going back as far as the 11th - 12th generation.  The legendary Ch Sandylands Tweed of Blaircourt appearing more than 20 times.  She is for all intent, a sandyland's breeding bred by Sally Bell of Boradors.  A study of her pedigree shows some proven recipes that Gwen used. 
Vanity's sire is Am Ch Autumn's Thunder Vision (Yottie).  Her dam was an english import - Fair Play at Trewinnard.

Grand Sire of Merit & Ph Gr Ch Veyatie Driving Along (Chuck)

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Ph Gr Ch & Sire of Merit Veyatie Driving Along (Chuck)


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