"This is the work of GOD, that
you believe in the one he sent."
John 6:29
February 28, 2012
It is about time
i updated this site. We are now 18 years with Labradors and always trying to manage to keep the kennel small. Last year
our seniors George and Mary have moved on to heaven. They are resting under an acacia tree i have named after george.
If you come to visit us here i will gladly show you Gallivant's tree.
I have moved out of the city and now live in the countryside with lots of space. Our labs could never be happier.
I have decided to do away with kennel runs and integrated the humans and labs living and eating together in different parts
of our countryside home. Some live in the kitchen, some live in my bedroom, some in my living room.
Our special boy gunnar (silonray's guns & roses) is growing up and he is
a bundle of joy, together with bugsy & yuri they complete the cast and keep me company at my ermitage.
In the daily kitchen genie (grandma), zene (mama), google and ginger (sibling
children) manage to stay away from trouble.
A kennel
room is in progress and in anticipation of our first litter for 2012, we will built a puppy play pen area.
We have not been showing much in the past years. Will 2012 be different? Let
us see what surprises are in store... Last year we bred a couple of litters. Now we only have one brood bitch in our kennel
- it is likely we will only have one litter for 2012.
So happy
to have gunnar (silonrays kennel) join our kennel. Thank you so much sylvia for entrusting him to us. He brings us closer
to the sandylands line where we find a deep connection with their temperament and type. We cross our fingers and hope
to have more females from this kennel join us at angelfields.
May 2, 2007
We are back in the show circuit with our Y litter.
Over the last two weekends in April, Yumi won BOS & BOW
and has accumulated quite a number of points and is well
on her way to finishing her championship. Her sister
Yasmine won winners bitch. The shows they have joined
have not had big entries because of the summer heat but
nevertheless its great for them to get the ring exposure.
George serviced three bitches in April and are hopes are
up that he delivers puppies. George is now 10 years of
and living the life wherever i go in the house. His favorite
spot, beside me when im at the computer or my bedside : )
April 10, 2007
Finally, I have been able to make some updates
during the long holy week vacation. This certainly has
long been overdue. I ask for your patience as i still
have much more work ahead of me.
On the photo gallery, I need to scan photos of
Judith during the 2006 nationals. I need
to take
some updated photos of our girls and fix their
dedicated pages, expand our photo gallery
where our labs have gone to other homes,
but it is fun work and i just need to make time.
We have taken a vacation from the show circuit
since the last nationals show in february. We hope
to be back showing our Y litter (yumi, yasemin & yuri)
and finish them during the summer months.
February 2007
What a joy & blessing! We give
thanks to God for the gift of Nala.
Our Ph Gr Ch Angelfields Nala is
2007 LRCI Nationals Best Opposite Sex in Show
under Judge Heather Wiles-Fone
2007 LRCI Nationals Best Opposite Sex in Show - Angelfields Nala |
February 2006
LRCI Nationals at Tiendesitas
Judge Judith Charlton (Foxrush)
2006 LRCI Nationals RUBOB & BOS - Bugsy |
Bugsy makes it 2 in a row 2004/05 & 2006 LRCI National BOS in show |
Ph Gr Ch Angelfields Love Bug (bugsy)
2006 LRCI Nationals RUBIS & BOSIS
Judge Judith Charlton
What a spectacular weekend at the most prestigious
show in the country. The PCCI FCI/AKU show:
AKU ring: Hall of Fame Angelfields Luigi takes
Best of Breed
FCI ring: Ph Gr Ch Angelfields Love Bug takes
Best Opposite Sex
Winners Bitch: NEW CHAMPION Angelfields Nala
Runner-up Best in Show Winner |
Ph Gr Ch Angelfields Love Bug |
August 20, 2005
What a spectacular birthday gift: )
Finishing her Grand Championship title bugsy wins Best of Breed &
Runner-up Best in Show PH GR CH Angelfields
Love Bug Judge Kay Eldred (Australia) Judged at Crufts England in 2003
completes his Ph Champion title under Judge Kay Eldred he is now; Ph Ch Angelfields Orca
Ch Angelfields Key to Beracah (KIng George) wins RUBOB & BOS
August 13, 2005
14th & 15th Labrador Retriever Club Specialty Show Judge: Augusto Benedicto Santos III (Specialty Judge)
Ph Ch Angelfields Love Bug: Runner-Up
Best of Breed
Ph Gr Ch Angelfields Luigi: Best
Opposite Sex
Gr Ch Angelfields Key to Beracah: Award of Merit

BOS Ph Gr Ch Angelfields Luigi |

The siblings bugsy & LV winning RUBOB & BOS respectively |

Here i am handling Bugsy |

Ph Gr Ch Angelfields Key to Beracah (king george) |
participates in its 1st show after taking a 6 month leave from the show circuit.
Ph Ch Angelfields Love Bug takes Best Opposite Sex in the FCI show.
the 2004 Pre-Nationals & National Specialty Championship Show Angelfields "H"
litter along with George had quite a number of winning get.
Judge Elise Nolan awarded: Ph Gr Ch Angelfields Honey best brood bitch Angelfields Hazel 3rd place brood
Judge Jim Nolan awarded: Ph Gr & Am Ch Lenches Gallivant 2nd place stud competition
George progeny that won in the National’s under judge Jim Nolan:
Opposite Sex: PH CH Angelfields Love Bug
1st Place Award of Merit: PH CH Cheyenne Sky Archangel 4th
Place Award of Merit: PH CH Angelfields Key to Beracah
“H” LITTER progeny; wins in the Nationals under judge Jim Nolan: Ph Gr Ch Angelfields Honey’s
son won RUBOB: Ph
Gr Ch Madisons Quest Angus Angelfields Hazels daughter won BOS: Ph Gr Ch Angelfields Love Bug Ph Ch Angelfields Heathers
daughter won 2nd place AOM: Ph Ch Sunshadow Little Foot wins
in the pre nationals under judge Elise Nolan Angelfields Holly son won Winners Dog: Angelfields Ooze Angelfields Holly son won Runners Up Winners
Dog: Angelfields Orka
Angelfields Tree of Life is the "H" litter...
Ph Ch Angelfields Love Bug |
Ph Ch Angelfields Love Bug
Best Opposite Sex
2004 LRCI National Specialty Championship
Judge: Jim Nolan (Veyatie Labradors)
Ph Ch Cheyenne's Sky Archangel |
Ph Ch Cheyennes Sky Archangel
1st Place Award of Merit
2004 LRCI National Specialty Championship
Judge: Jim Nolan (Veyatie Labradors)
November 6, 2004
Ph Ch Angelfields Key to Beracah's
picture to follow
Angelfields Show Results:
* Our Angelfields Kolya recently won Best Baby Puppy in Show:
) You can view her winning picture at the section, promising dams.
* On May 17 our Sunshadow to Angelfields won back to back best baby puppy in sporting
group under judges Phillip Kersey (NZ) & Ms Sue Monk (Australia).
* June 6, 2003: Angelfields Luigi wins best baby puppy in show at the Cebu All
Breed Show. LV is happily living with Mr. Ritchie Go, congrats ritchie: ) Angelfields My Genie took Best Baby
Puppy in Breed in the other ring, she lives happily with Gemma de Asis. Congrats to our babies: )
* June 8, 2003: Angelfields Hugo (Woofie) won best of breed under Judge
Albert Reading (Australia) . His son, Angelfields Ice Breaker won winners dog , and is now Philippine
June 14, 2003: Angelfields Idol (litterbrother of Ice) finished and is now Philippine
Champion. He is owned and loved by Careen Tankiang and family.
July 6, 2003: Angelfields Hugo (Woofie) won BOB under Mrs. Hilary Pederson (Australia)
and became Phil. Grand Champion.