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A very important line at Angelfields.
The ingredients to produce outstanding breed representatives are there.  We will eventually integrate this into our H Line and currently we are working on the recipe...

Angelfields Bonnie at 2 months

Vanity our foundation bitch was mated for the first time to Am Ch Boradors the Goblin.  He is behind the pedigrees of some of the most winning labs today.  Sally Bell recommended this combination and as soon as vanity was confirmed in whelp she was sent to us.  She whelped 5 puppies and we kept a female and named her Angelfields Bonnie.  That is the beginning of our B line.

Bonnie as a yearling

Bonnie's first mating was to Grand Sire of Merit Ph Gr Ch Veyatie Driving Along. The mating produced our G litter and we kept a girl and named her Angelfields Genie. Very similar to our line H in paper, but when you look at our line B there are notable differences in phenotype.  I would attribute that to the influence of Boradors the Goblin.  Notable are the thick otter tails, beautiful head expression, thick double coats, good bone and nice length of leg.  Very much Sandylands in type. 

Ph Gr Ch Angelfields Genie

Sire of Genie
Grand Sire of Merit Ph Gr Ch Veyatie Driving Along

Ph Ch Angelfields My Girl

Genie was mated for the first time to Lenches Gallivant and produced a large litter of 11 puppies.  We kept 2 girls from that "M" litter.  Ph Ch Angelfields My Girl and Angelfields Magnolia

Angelfields Magnolia

In the interest of bringing back our Line "F" and integrating these into our "B" Line we mated Ph Gr Ch Skyglory Magic to Maggie & Molly.  Molly produced our "R" litter and we kept a female.  We kept a male from Maggie's litter and unfortunately, they did not mature and grow up to our standards. 
We have repeated the breeding of George to genie once again and this time around, it looks like we have very different results from our first breeding.  The puppies are still young and we are hoping a boy we have an eye for turns out very well, so stay tuned and look for pictures of Angelfields Zachariah in our youngsters page soon.