Latest News:
1. Carol Coode has accepted the invitation to judge at our National Specialty Show on October 11, 2003.
2. Rhonda Lang will judge the other ring. Rhonda is a golden retriever breeder/judge licensed to judge labradors. We thank the Philippine Golden Retriever Club, Inc. for allowing us to use her for our national specialty.
3. At the suggestion of Ms. Carol Coode, we have invited the Japan Labrador Club to participate in our national specialty. We hope they will come and participate and certainly this will add an international dimension to our competition. It would also be an opportunity to organize a stronger and united Asian Labrador Union. Perhaps someday we can invite members from Thailand, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, etc...
4. The club will be conducting a breed seminar on the 19th of July, 2003 at the Manila Polo Club, Last Chukker. We hope to see you there.